This article will take you through the campaign creation process using the Campaign Interactive Wizard. We recommend the New Campaign Wizard is used for all campaign creations due to its highly interactive capabilities. The New Campaign Wizard is accessible on the User Campaigns page - accessible here.
Once the Interactive Wizard is opened, please proceed with the rest of this article.
1. Initial Setup & Targets
- Campaign Name (Mandatory): Input a unique name for this phishing campaign
- Campaign Type: Choose from Simulated Phishing, Security Awareness Training, Simulated or Simulated Phishing & Security Awareness Training
- Advanced Options: Configure advanced options (Advanced Users)
Select the target(s): Select the target user listing you want to be included within this phishing campaign. You can include multiple groups by checking multiple boxes.
Note: Should you see a '!' label appear, please exit the campaign wizard. This warning means that the target user listing selected contains emails from an unverified domain. To prevent abuse of the CanIPhish platform, we require that all target domains be verified. Emails to unverified domains will be bounced at the time of delivery. To understand this in more details, please read the Domain Verification article here. - Click Next!
2. Phishing Material Selection
- Language Selection: Select the language in which you would like the email delivered. We support 70+ languages.
Filters: Specify any filters before selecting your preferred phishing material.
- Detection Difficulty: Email Templates come in three detection difficulty levels. Easy, Moderate and Hard. The detection difficulty represents how easily a target will be able to spot the phish.
- Service Geolocation: Filter emails by location.
- Payload Type: Filter by Endpoint Compromise (Attachment), Credential Compromise (Web Link) or Attacker Engagement (Reply To)
- Search: Free-text search to find templates by their name
- Select this attack (Mandatory): By clicking 'select this attack', this email template will be utilized in the campaign. You can select multiple email templates.
- Edit Template: Edit basic attributes of this email such as phishing website association and sender profile. If you want to edit the content of the email, see this support article.
- Click Next!
3. Select Training Modules (If Campaign Type Includes Security Awareness Training)
- Language Selection: Select the language in which you would like the training delivered. We support 70+ languages.
- Days Until Due: Define the due date for training. If a module isn't completed, we'll mark the assignment as Overdue until the employee obtains a passing score.
Assignments: Specify which method of assignment is desired for this campaign Choose between the following options:
- Intelligently assign one of the selected trainings: Based on your selection of training modules, we will use previous interactions to select the most applicable training for the specific user. This ensures that the assigned training matches the employee's skill level.
- Assign all of the selected training: Assign every module selected.
Show Advanced Options: For advanced users:
- Training Scope: Specify who should be assigned training. Users who clicked on a link or those who went further and compromised themselves.
- View Training Module: Opens the training module in a new window.
- Select this training: By clicking 'Select this training', this training module will be utilized in the campaign. You can select multiple training modules.
4. Schedule & Frequency Selection
- Delivery Schedule: Specify whether you'd like to setup the schedule now or ignore scheduling for now and come back to it later.
- Schedule (Between Days): The 1-5 day date-range in which campaign emails will be delivered.
- Schedule (Between Times): The 24 hour time-range in which campaign emails will be delivered.
- Schedule (Time Zone): The timezone to use for campaign delivery dates and times.
- Label indicating when the first batch of emails will be delivered. Please note that if emails are scheduled over a duration of days, then multiple small batches of emails will be delivered.
- Campaign Frequency: Campaigns can be scheduled to send one-off, monthly or quarterly. If campaigns are scheduled to recur, it's highly recommended that multiple template bundles are used to avoid users receiving the same material every month/quarter.
- Click Next!
4. Review & Test
Review your campaign and optionally select to send a test email before clicking Submit!
Note: This feature sends a test email to the specified, verified domain using the placeholder information "John Doe" from "Contoso Corp." Please note that test emails simulate only the phishing email and landing page components of a campaign. They do not include the training module element.
Congratulations, you've scheduled a campaign using the Interactive Campaign Wizard!
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